From September 30 – October 6, 2024

Commit to be a car free!

For ourselves. For our neighbors. For our planet.

Sign & Share the Pledge

Committing to a week without using a car or truck is a gift to ourselves, our neighbors and the world we live in to be more intentional and considerate about how we move. Neighborhoods without cars and trucks immediately transform into safe & accessible venues for fun connections & life on the street.

Prepare for Car-Free Week

Mark the dates on your calendar right away. Plan your trips for the week by using Google maps bicycling, walking and public transit option. Attend events during the week and explore local resources so you can be successful in your Car-Free quest.

Enjoy the Car-Free journey!

Let’s celebrate a week of making the world a better, healthier and safer place for everyone. Treat yourself to something special at the end of the week for your effort and willingness to be Car-Free.

Milwaukee alone experienced 80 preventable deaths and 5600 preventable life altering injuries caused by people crashing their cars in 2023.

In order to transform our transportation system, we must disarm ourselves from violent transportation and shift to a culture and city-wide measures which prioritize healthy transportation


They support us in this event.

Commit to be a car free!

For ourselves. For our neighbors. For our planet.