Unlike driving, when we use bicycles, public transportation and micro-mobility for transportation we must be thoughtful and make a plan. Here are our best tips and practices to help you enjoy your Car-Free Week (If you need a bike-buddy or bus-buddy, email us!)
Public Transit
Plan your biking and public transit trips using Google Maps
Inspect your bike before hopping on it with the A, B, C, Quick-check
Bicycling Safety Tips: How to stay safe on the roadways. In a nutshell: be predictable, visible and make your intentions known.
Get discounts around the area whenever you arrive by bike: Bicycle Benefits
Gear tips! Reflective vest, rear mirror, rear rack/panniers. Avoid grocery bags on handlebars and dark colors at night.
Get good shoes and get creative with how you carry stuff. Who says you need to have a baby in a baby-stroller?
Motorists are looking for other motorists. Don’t expect them to see you unless eye contact is made.
Give yourself extra time and enjoy the ride!